Boy have we all been busy this season! Working retail I have experienced the busy hustle and bustle of the holidays! Cooper has really been having fun at "daycare" (he stays with a neighbor who watches a couple of other little girls) Kathy says he is so smart because he knows so many words! Some funny words he has learned lately are Please, Yellow and his daddy taught him Duck (which he whispers)!
We are all decorated for Christmas and I was dreading having a tree with both Cooper and Winston, suprisingly they both leave the tree alone and seem to just look at it! Cooper only removed one ornament which happens to be a small stuffed penguin so its only fair that he thinks it is a toy!
A couple nights ago Cooper had what seemed to be his first nightmare. He woke up around 3am and was crying softly, I left him for a little until he started whailing, I made him a bottle and took it too him but he did not want it, when I layed him in his crib he began whailing again, I managed to get him calmed down enough to lay down while I rubbed his back but as soon as I would stop and try and leave his room he would get upset, I tried sneaking out a couple times before I layed on the bed in the room, I made the mistake of leaving the door open and when he heard Bampa cough he wanted him so we went to my room and he spent the night cuddled up in my arms. He has not had one since and I hope he doesnt have many because I could tell he was uneasy without me by his side.
Cooper has somehow found the best little kids show. He always loves when Yo Gabba Gabba is on! He calls it Buga. Its a great show where they teach different lessons through song, it has 5 characters and DJ Lance Rock as the host. They even have musical guests from different bands, Cooper does not tend to watch that much telivision but the second Yo Gabba Gabba is on he is mesmerized. For Christmas I decided I was going to make the characters for him, They took some time and were made with so much love! I hope he will enjoy them as much as I did making them! :)
Cooper has been so active since he started walking, he now enjoys "dribbling" with Bampa and running fast up and down the hall! His favorite game to play with anyone (including Winston) is chase, anyone he can chase and who will chase him back is welcome, its fun to hear the pitter patter of his feet all around the house!
Cooper and Ethan, Cousins |
Cooper's favorite activity, reading with Bampa |
Working with Bampa |
Working next to Bampa! :) |
Next Tebow?? |
Being a silly and standing on his mega blocks table! |
Mommy's Xmas Present for Cooper! |
Yo Gabba Gabba |
Cooper visits Santa! |