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Friday, December 30, 2011

Cooper and I had a great Christmas trip to St.  Louis and Illinois! 

We took off the day after Christmas and arrived in St. Louis in the afternoon where Daddy was there to pick us up! We hung out at the house and ate some yummy Christmas leftover, packed up (in the rain/hail) and made the long trek to Dennis and Karen’s! We arrived there pretty late and did a little bit of chatting and entertaining before heading off to bed, when we woke up in the morning we had some breakfast and got ready for the day where we headed to Great Grammy Mary and Great Grandpa John’s wonderful Christmas on the farm! We did a lot of snacking, eating, and gift opening! The Christmas on the farm tradition kicks off with “family time” where each person shares their year with the family, then the youngsters help put together the Christmas Nativity scene where each person in the family receives a figure and the boys get to place it in the niche. Next we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and said the Lords Prayer before eating a great and filling meal! Then we hung out until our special guest arrived! That’s right ladies and gentlemen, Santa himself graced us with his presence, we got to hear a story from him and the boys got to talk with him! Cooper went straight to him and played with his coat, hat and of course his REAL BEARD! We sang some songs and got to chat with him until Mrs. Claus showed up from her shopping trip to take him back home. After Santa we played “grab bag” which is somewhere along the lines of “white elephant exchange” after that everyone (especially the boys) got to open their real presents (THANK YOU TO THE FREESE FAMILY FOR BEING SO GENEROUS! I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU HOSPITALITY AND WARM HEARTS) After that it was more family times, snacking, and watching the boys play. Cooper was very worn out by this time that him and I laid down for a much needed and relaxing nap, when we awoke we ate once more and watched at the family rooted on the Illini to a double overtime victory! Once the game was over and the house was picked up we headed back to Karen and Dennis’s with the boys where we would stay the night once more! In the morning we awaited Karen’s parents Ralph and Peggy’s arrival and had a great omelet breakfast. After breakfast Aunt Karen took me out to ride my very first horse (something I've wanted to do for quite some while now) I got acquainted with a great horse named Toby and after getting him all geared up and watching Karen ride I was ready to try it out for myself. I thought it was great and I was truly fascinated by this large strapping animal (I even asked for one for Christmas! :) who knows this city slicker may actually be a country kid at heart?! :) After riding we had a ride in Grandpa Ralph’s Corvette and then got Cooper geared up for the car ride home with a full tummy and a clean diaper, we headed back to St. Louis! That evening we let Cooper run himself a little tired and visited the neighbor Susan for some sewing tips and inspiration (I got a sewing machine for Christmas!) She was also very kind and generous and I look forward to hearing from her and sharing with her what I am able to do in the future! :) Maybe we could even meet up when she visits her grand baby in Denver! 
Thursday was another fun adventure day! It was a Grammy, Mommy and Cooper day because Grandpa had to go to work. We woke up and decided we would go to the train show at the botanical garden. We took a stroll around the block and then headed there, we walked through the train show and looked at all the great trains and all the great plants! Then we decided it would be silly to pass up such an amazing day so we walked around the gardens, Cooper was able to get out and run around which was perfect for him to get out some of that energy! His favorite thing was throwing the leafs in the breeze and watching them fly by! Afterwords we headed to the store to pick up a couple things for the impromptu casual get together with some neighbors and friends! The ride home turned into a nap and when we go home Grandpa was ready and willing to take the little man on a walk while Grammy and I prepared dinner. We had a wonderful tuscon bean soup using the good ol honey baked ham bone, and she also made us some yummy penne cotta! Then it was time to turn in early for the morning journey home. We had to wake up pretty early to get to the airport for our 6AM flight back to Denver but we made it home safe and sound! We had a great time as always and enjoyed playing with Grammy and Grandpa and all the cousins! Thank You to everyone once again! 
playin piano with Daddy

Snuggling Puppy! 

Playin ball with Grandpa

New Hat!

Playin cars

baseball time! 

He's pretty much a pro! 

reading comics with Uncle Kevin


Smile lol!

John conducting!

Michael smiling!

Cooper nuzzling Santa :) 

chatting with Santa

listening to Santa's story

Hanging with Uncle Dave and Aunt Marj

Freese's Family


Riding horses

Cooper even got on Toby! :) 

reading with Grandpa

At the train show with Grammy

Checkin out those trains

Choo Choo!


Throwing some leaves watching them fly!!

Cooper throwing them himself

walking with grammy

What a great little man :) 

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Busy Holiday Season

Boy have we all been busy this season! Working retail I have experienced the busy hustle and bustle of the holidays! Cooper has really been having fun at "daycare" (he stays with a neighbor who watches a couple of other little girls) Kathy says he is so smart because he knows so many words! Some funny words he has learned lately are Please, Yellow and his daddy taught him Duck (which he whispers)!

We are all decorated for Christmas and I was dreading having a tree with both Cooper and Winston, suprisingly they both leave the tree alone and seem to just look at it! Cooper only removed one ornament which happens to be a small stuffed penguin so its only fair that he thinks it is a toy!

A couple nights ago Cooper had what seemed to be his first nightmare. He woke up around 3am and was crying softly, I left him for a little until he started whailing, I made him a bottle and took it too him but he did not want it, when I layed him in his crib he began whailing again, I managed to get him calmed down enough to lay down while I rubbed his back but as soon as I would stop and try and leave his room he would get upset, I tried sneaking out a couple times before I layed on the bed in the room, I made the mistake of leaving the door open and when he heard Bampa cough he wanted him so we went to my room and he spent the night cuddled up in my arms. He has not had one since and I hope he doesnt have many because I could tell he was uneasy without me by his side.

Cooper has somehow found the best little kids show. He always loves when Yo Gabba Gabba is on! He calls it Buga. Its a great show where they teach different lessons through song, it has 5 characters and DJ Lance Rock as the host. They even have musical guests from different bands, Cooper does not tend to watch that much telivision but the second Yo Gabba Gabba is on he is mesmerized. For Christmas I decided I was going to make the characters for him, They took some time and were made with so much love! I hope he will enjoy them as much as I did making them! :)

Cooper has been so active since he started walking, he now enjoys "dribbling" with Bampa and running fast up and down the hall! His favorite game to play with anyone (including Winston) is chase, anyone he can chase and who will chase him back is welcome, its fun to hear the pitter patter of his feet all around the house!

Cooper and Ethan, Cousins

Cooper's favorite activity, reading with Bampa

Working with Bampa

Working next to Bampa! :) 

Next Tebow??

Being a silly and standing on his mega blocks table! 
Mommy's Xmas Present for Cooper!

Yo Gabba Gabba 

Cooper visits Santa!

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Snow Adventure

Cooper got to really enjoy his first snow already! I took Cooper out to play in the snow and he had a blast, at first he was not sure about moving in it but once I showed him around he played and played in it and with it, and once he was worn out he got to come inside, snuggle up and have some milk and cookies! :) I think this will be the first of many snow adventures!
Hmmm What is this stuff?

I think I'll touch it!


Mister Mischievous!

Better check this snow out!

And this little tiny bit too!

HeHe This stuff is funny!

A Cooper Print!

Some Cooper tracks!

Gotta check out those pumpkins!

Taking a rest!

Time to go inside!

and have some milk and cookies!

and dry off our snow gear for next time! :)