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Friday, January 28, 2011

Playing at the Park!

Today was a beautiful day and Cooper and I have been fighting being sick, he started feeling better yesterday and I started feeling a little better today. Since it was so nice we decided to get some fresh air...we took a walk down to the neighborhood park! Cooper got to swing in the swings and he and I slid down the slide! I don't think he quite understood it all, but he didn't hate it!! We then walked down to the creek where he became very curious about the water, poking his head through the bridge to see the water below!!

Cooper has been fighting bronchiolitis, he visited the doctor because he was coughing and it sounded very wet and flegmy and every time I fed him he spit up because all of the back up in his little throat. He is finally feeling better, still coughing and his nose is running like crazy! There is a large possibility that I have the same thing because I have been coughing like crazy and today my nose has been running like crazy as well! I don't think I am going to like getting sick every time Cooper is, hopefully it doesn't happen every time!

Friday, January 21, 2011

MOPS, Orange Foods, and Rolling Over!

Cooper eating his rice cereal!

Cooper photoshoot 5 Months

Cooper at the Nuggets game...his face says it all! :)
This month Mommy joined a MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers) and whats cool about the group I joined is its a night MOPS group and it has a Young MOPS groups so I am part of the young MOPS group! I have gone twice now and I really enjoy it! Its a lot of fun to have some girls my age that have kids as well. It meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday! Last time we had crafts and game night and last night we had a speaker who talked about parenting with Love and Grace. I am very excited to be a part of this group and I think there are some great girls!

A funny Cooper story...Salina had extra tickets to the Nuggets game and so Kendall, Mom, Dad, Cooper and I decided to go...Cooper was NOT happy about this...At first he was fine just chilling with Mom and I and then he went to hang out with Auntie Grandma Salina and Sasha and he got very upset, we thought he was hungry so I made him a bottle, unfortunately we are not allowed to bring our own water in so I had to buy water there and of course the only water they had was freezing Cooper did not want his bottle because it was too cold! We ended up leaving early but that's OK because the Nuggets were killing the Cavaliers! Needless to say the Nuggets game was a bit much for Mr. was too loud and there was too much going on...on a good note...within 5 minutes of sitting down his cute little face was on the jumbo tron! He cant help that he is so cute! :)

In other exciting Cooper news he has started eating fruits and veggies, we started with orange food so he has had sweet potatoes, carrots, and peaches...he has loved them all but I think carrots were his favorite (when he ate them he was always giggling, those carrots are sooo funny!) next he has squash and then we get to move onto green foods! He has also recently started rolling over from his back to his tummy on his own!! Just yesterday I had him laying on the living room ground and all of a sudden he rolled himself over, since then whenever I put him on the ground he practices rolling! Enjoy the little video I caught of him rolling!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cooper 4 Months

Grandma, Pepa, Cooper and Ethan
New Years Dinner!
Andy, Cooper and I
Cooper and his second cousins Jasmine and Jada

Cooper had his 4 month check up, here are his stats

Weight 16lbs 9.5ozs 72 percentile
Height 25 1/4inches 49th percentile
Head 43cm 60th percentile

Dr. Mike says he is looking good, growing well, doing everything he should be! He got a couple more shots and was sore for the evening and the next day but he is fine now!

Cooper, Andy and I had a great New Years Day with my family, we spent the day at Grandma Great Shigeno's, everyone cooked and we had a great Japanese feast! Cooper cannot wait to try some of the food, maybe next year!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

HO HO HO Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas
Cooper and Santa
Cooper and Grammy Great on the farm!!
Cooper on Christmas
Cooper playing with his Christmas Present!

Cooper's first Christmas was great! He got tons of clothes, toys, and books! His big present is his play saucer! Thank you so much to everyone who helped give Cooper a wonderful Christmas! Christmas in Denver consisted of your typical morning opening presents and eating sausage souffle with Mom, Dad, Grandma, Pepa, Uncle Kendall, Grandpa Great Montoya and Grandpa and Grandma Great Shigeno. Next we went to Grandpa and Grandma Greats house where we ate dinner with the family, it was a great day! The next day Cooper, Andy and I flew to St. Louis! Cooper did amazing on the plane ride, he fell asleep right as the plane was taking off and slept till we landed. When we got to St. Louis, Grammy was preparing an open house for all of their friends to come and meet Cooper! We met so many new people and were so happy to meet them all! The next day we went for a road trip to Andy's uncles house in Illinois where Cooper got to meet his cousins John and Michael. We stayed the night and then in the morning we were off to the farm for Christmas! Cooper and I met Grammy's family and we had a great time opening presents, eating food and playing games! Thank you so much Grammy Great and Grandpa Great for having us over to the farm, it was such a great time!!