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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring Break...Pirates Argg!!!


Cooper playing computer games with Daddy!

Who could say no to this face?
Cooper and Mommy

Cooper and Andy at the Pirates exhibit

Cooper and Mommy at the Pirates exhibit

Cooper in his new hat!

Cooper playing Fisher Price, action reaction games on the computer

Coop eating with Pepa

Cooper and his Balloon! 

Cooper, Hat, and 2 TEETH!

All Smiles with Daddy!

Last week was Andy's Spring Break and he was here from Monday to Monday! Cooper had a doctors appointment and we learned his new stats

Weight  19 lbs 3.5oz %61
Height   26 3/4" %36
Head     44.5cm %54

He had more shots and this time they really got him good, he seemed fine until later that night when he refused to sleep, could not stop crying, and would not move his little leg. We had to give him a little bit of baby tyonol but that seemed to help and he slept really well. The shot area seemed to be bruised and we iced it for a couple days and massaged it...all is good now!

We had other fun adventures too...we went to the Denver Museum of Natural History to see the Real Pirates exhibit! Cooper probably didn't care much, but he sat very quitely and peacefully in his stroller as we went through the exhibit. It was very interesting and educational, and I know I enjoyed it!

Andy got into Colorado School of Mines and we drove to Golden to check out the campus and have some lunch...the waitress just loved Cooper and we had fun getting lost on the campus and hauling Cooper around the little mountain town!

We also had Ethan that Friday night and we got to go see him and his brother Liam swim at swim lessons! Then we came back home, ate some sandwiches and walked to the park where the boys got to play in the warm sunshine! We even brought grandma, grandpa and Winston along. Cooper really enjoyed the swing, he smiled the whole time! And then grandma and daddy talked me into letting him go down the slide on his back with one of them catching him, he really loved that! :)

Other new, Cooper now has 2 teeth, the ones on the bottom! He is eating textures now, and has even had some shortbread girl scout cookies! He is starting to move on his tummy now, scooting and sliding backward...time to start keeping a tight eye on him! He and Winston are pals and for the most part they leave each other alone but when they are near each other Cooper always wants to touch him and Winston always wants to lick him.

Cooper's next adventures will be Grammy and Grandpa Richard coming with Andy next month for Andy's birthday, and then a trek out to Missouri with Grandma, Grandpa and Mommy to Drury's graduation and to meet all the Missouri peeps! Looking forward to it all!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Look at all the things I can do!!

Sit all on my own

wear little tennis shoes

Chew with my very own tooth (the white spot is not a glare, its my tooth!!)
Take a nap with Winston!
Laugh hysterically at counting the Monkeys with Pepa
bang on my drum!

Cooper has changed so much and has so many new and exciting things he can do! The most exciting is Cooper's new tooth!! He is also starting to sit and play on his own, Grandma even got him his very own drum to bang and play with! He goes to the doctor on Tuesday and we will have new stats, I bet he weighs at least 20 lbs and he is starting to stretch quite a bit! Daddy comes into town tomorrow for spring break, Cooper is looking forward to spending a week with him! 

Winston is growing quite a bit too, he is kind of crazy but he sleeps most of the day. For the most part he leaves Cooper alone but sometimes they play with each other, Cooper will grab him and bang on him and Winston will lick Cooper.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Teething? Maybe?

He has the best eyes and such a great smile :)
Cooper and Mommy
Such a Cheeseball
Grandma, Grandpa and their boys
Cooper and Winston
Playing air guitar
someones a cuddler

Cooper is doing so many new and exciting things, he reaches for everything and even some people! He loves his feet and is always looking at them, holding them, and playing with them. We think he is teething because he is drooling, chewing and sucking on everything, and his gums feel rigid. He is sitting on his own but still tipping over if he leans too far to one side. It is amazing how fast he has grown!

He is big for his age considering Pepa and I took him to dinner at Lonestar one night and the hostess asked us if he needs a menu? and the waitress asked me what he wanted to eat! :) hes not quite ready to color on the menu or drink real milk! However he is sitting in the high chair and drinking water from a straw :) and he loves eating his puff puffs!

He still thinks Winston is the funniest guy ever especially when Winston is hyper running around, playing with his toys and licking Coopers hands and face. I recently was in the bathroom getting ready and I could hear Cooper laughing hysterically in his play saucer, I peeked my head out and Winston was on the saucer licking Coopers long as Winston isnt jumping on Cooper or biting him they get along very well!

Cooper has been sleeping anywhere from 10-12 hours a night which is great and he is the calmest baby around!

MOPS has proved to be a great little mommy getaway! I have made lots of new friends and I love hanging out with them. I even have a friend that I have hung out with outside of MOPS. Last meeting was SPA NIGHT and it was phenomenal, I won a full body massage and received wax paraffin on my hands and feet, it was awesome and so much fun!

Cooper has a doctors appointment March 22nd, we will get his latest stats then but we are betting he weights at least 20lbs these days, how I carry him around is beyond me! :) I keep telling everyone its my Super Mom strength!