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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lake of the Ozarks

Playin with Uncle Kevin

Climbin the stairs!

Playin with the boys cars

Water skiing

The Lake

Our House

The Dock

Three Stories


Playin with Uncle Denny and Michael

Playin Cars



With Uncle Dave

Playin with Grandpa Ralph on the Boat tour

The funny house on the tour

After swimming!

Kisses for Cooper

The Paradise 

Fish at the Paradise

Day 6: Off to the Ozarks we go. Cooper slept in this morning till around 9. We got all packed and ready to go to the Lake and took off around perfect time for Cooper’s nap, he slept most of the way, while I learned about Kathy riding horses as a girl, hay and straw, and helped navigate our way to the house. The lake house rented is quite beautiful, 3 floors, 8 rooms right on the lake. We had delicious steak dinner prepared by Aunt Karen Sue and then Uncle Denny, Aunt Karen, Aunt Karen Sue and Michael and I went out on the boat, the Karen’s both water skied! Looking forward to a week here! 
Day 7: A pretty uneventful and relaxing day for the crew at Lake of the Ozarks! I took a morning run that was hot and humid but I saw a turtle crossing the street and tons of fuzzy caterpillars crawling around. A puzzle had been started the night before and with everyone working on it we were able to finish it up, just in time to start another! In the afternoon Cooper attempted to take a dip in the lake, unfortunately he was very tired and ready for a nap, he disliked the life jacket and I was a bit unsteady in the water to keep a good handle on him. Maybe we will try again? In the evening we took a dinner trip into Osage Beach where we ate dinner at Golden Coral. This evening I took some time to sit on the porch alone and watch a beautiful thunderstorm behind the other side of the lake, it was beautiful. Later that night the storm came rumbling in and we got a really good shower in with some strong thunder and lighting, it even knocked the power out for a bit.
Day 8: Another relaxing day at the lake. I took a morning run, got Cooper down for a nap and then took a dip in the lake. Nothing too eventful today, just hanging out, relaxin’, eatin’ and havin’ some fun. I went out on the boat to watch Michael and John go tubbing. Uncle Dave showed up late at night for the rest of the time here at the lake! 
Day 9: Another good morning for Cooper, He spent the morning with Grammy and Uncle Dave on the deck looking at big fish in the water and the woodpeckers. We walked down to the dock to feed the fish bread but the big fish were not interested.  Uncle Denny made some delicious pancakes this morning and of course Cooper devoured them! Cooper and I took a nice afternoon nap together and then it was off on Cooper’s first boat ride. We rode the boat to Tantara where we boarded the Tropical Island boat tour, it was large boat that took us on a tour around the Lake of the Ozarks. Cooper was still not a fan of the life jacket but he seemed to be a little better with it. 
Day 10: Another easy day at the lake! This morning Cooper, Grammy and I took a dip in the lake. Cooper was still unsure about that life jacket but he stayed in the water a little longer than usual and he splashed and kicked, a sign of somewhat liking it. He took a nap and Grammy and I ventured out to Camdenton so Grammy could get her glasses fixed (sat on by uncle Dave WOOPS!) and on our way back we stopped at Ozarkland to get some souvenirs for Cooper and my family back home! I went out on a boat ride to a lakeside restaurant called “Paradise” where we got some drinks and the boys were able to feed a ton of fish. Later this evening I was finally talked into getting out and trying the water skies. I was pretty nervous (hence why I put it off to the last minute) but I did it a couple times with a fall here and there. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. 
Day 11: Time to head home from the lake. Today will be filled with mostly driving home but a quick stop in at the outlet mall before we completely leave the lake! Flight home tomorrow! :) Cooper had a minor freakout on the way home but nothing a quick pit stop and a bottle and a nap couldn't fix! Once back in University City, we took a walk to Grammy and Grandpa’s favorite chinese restaurant. Cooper stared at the man owner with a confused look, we decided he thought the Chinese man with the mustache looked an awful lot like Grandpa Jeff :)
Day 12: Woke up this morning and we got all packed up. Its time to leave St. Louis, sad to leave Grammy, Grandpa Richard, and Uncle Kevin but time to get home to Grandma Josie, Grandpa Jeff, Grandpa Great, Uncle Kendall, and Winston. Daddy came back from Houston today and spent the morning with Cooper and then took us to the airport. Cooper of course made friends at the airport and even with the baby who sat across from us on the plane. He was not as easy coming home because he was not tired enough to fall asleep on the plane after two bottles but he eventually wore himself out and fell sound asleep. Once we arrived at the airport and Cooper spotted Grandma and Grandpa he immediately got a smile on his face. Grandma brought him some cars because she heard that they were his favorite toy of the cousins to play with :) 
Home safe and sound! It was a great trip and I would like to thank Grammy and Grandpa Richard for putting us up for so long, for feeding us, and for inviting us on such a fun trip! I’d like to thank Uncle Kevin for keeping Cooper happy and playing with him!  I’d like to thank Grammy Great Freese and Grandpa Great Freese for having such a wonderful, welcoming and loving family that welcomed us with open arms. I’d like to thank Aunt Karen Sue, and Uncle Gary for some yummy food and for helping out with Cooper whenever I went out. I’d like to thank Uncle Dave for letting Cooper play with his hat and keeping Cooper occupied sometimes. :) I’d like to thank John and Michael for hanging out with Cooper and letting him play with their cars, “even if he was locked out of the workshop” :) I’d like to thank Aunt Karen and Uncle Denny for teaching me how to water ski, and for driving the boat around for everyone. I’d like to thank Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Ralph for loving on Cooper and for hanging out! Thank you all for such a great week at the lake, Cooper and I enjoyed all of you! 

Aunt Diana's Wedding

Cooper and Lucinda, the Flower Girl

Cooper and his cousins, Michael & John

Cooper's wedding outfit!

Grammy Great and Grandpa Great 



Beautiful Bride & Groom

Diana & Greg

Grandpa Great and Grammy Great

The Family

Father Daughter Dance

Cooper passed out at the Reception

Our journey to Missouri!
Day 1: Our journey started off quite well! Cooper was once again a champ on the airplane, the people sitting next to us even voted him “Best Baby on Board”! He of course demanded the attention of everyone around us! :) For the most part it was an easy travel day, Cooper slept most of the flight. Grammy was there to pick us up and we went out to dinner at Blueberry Hill with Great Aunt Diana and Great Uncle Ernie. 
Day 2: We had a full day of wedding prep stuff, I was happy to help out when and where I could. We kept very busy and spent the day at Grammy and Grandpa’s house. We ventured out that night in hopes of getting Cooper to fall asleep but instead he decided to be a social baby while we delivered welcome baskets to some wedding guests. As opposed to night one Cooper went to bed a bit earlier.
Day 3: We had more wedding prep to do but today we seemed a bit calmer with wedding day approaching fast! We hung out at home and finished up the last minute ends for the wedding and then it was off to rehearsal dinner! Dinner was at Pi Pizza, it was a great little restaurant on “The Loop” Cooper was of course his social self again saying hi to everyone and chatting with people, he made some great friends Agnus and Phil Huey(who is one of Greg’s mother’s friend and if I’m not mistaken use to babysit Greg (Diana’s fiance/husband) when he was little in NY), they took to Cooper immediately, after dinner we headed over to the church and Cooper played with Lucinda the flower girl, he crawled around and found his friend Agnus again as well! He turned in an early night and fell sound asleep in the car on the way home. Tonight Andy arrives from Houston and will be here briefly for the wedding! Wedding Saturday and Sunday it is OFF TO LAKE OF THE OZARKS! 
Day 4: WEDDING DAY! Wedding morning was pretty calm, the girls went off to the hair salon not to be seen again till wedding time, Uncle Kevin, Grandpa and Daddy went to Greg’s for lunch and Cooper took a pretty decent nap. The boys came back to the house for a little while before they headed to the church to get ready. Cooper and I were picked up later by the flower girl, Lucinda, and her parents Kate and Ben. The wedding ceremony was a beautiful Catholic wedding and Diana looked just stunning!! The reception was full of amazing food, great music & dancing and just a great time. Cooper slept the majority of the time but woke up just in time to get some dancing in, and then send the couple off. All in all it was a great wedding, the only snafu was “the case of the missing diaper wipes” (more like “the mommy runs out of diaper wipes”/Cooper decides to poop 3 times at the wedding and reception!) problem solved thanks to the flower girl! 
Day 5: A day of rest, we took the day to cleanup after the wedding and get prepared for the trip to the Ozarks! Nothing extremely exciting today, a lot of out of towners stopped in to say hi and bye, Daddy took off around noon (no frets though because he moves to Denver some time next week WAAHOOO!!) Everyone took some naps and that evening we watched “A Fish Called Wanda” before turning in.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!

Cooper had a great 4th of July full of fun things!! We spent the day with the Hernandez family and friends! We got to swim in the swimming pool, crawl all over the grass, play with lots of people and eat lots of great food! Cooper was on the go all day long that he didnt even stop to take a nap, he went home for a little while and took a nap and once it was time for fireworks Grandpa woke Mr. Cooper up and brought him back to watch! He loved them even though he was so tired! All in all it was a great day chalk full of fun and exciting things! 

Swimming in the pool!

Cooling off from a hot day!

Eating yummy food!


Crawling around in the grass

Playin with Uncle Kendall

Messing around!

Lovin the sparklers!

Watching the fireworks in the street!

Watching more fireworks!

More Mommy!

Cooper was really into watching the fireworks!