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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cooper on the move!!

Its been a while since we've checked in, Cooper is one busy boy always on the run, and talking up a storm!! We had a bout with a nasty virus that gave Mr. Cooper a rash all over his body, he was miserable but once it passed he was back to himself! 

Cooper is a sports fanatic already, he could spent half of his day looking at Sports Illustrated, the sports section in the newspaper or watching any sport on tv...the other half of the day he could spend shooting baskets, hitting the golf ball, throwing the football, kicking the soccer ball or dribbling. He is so smart and can say so many different words, he is dying to talk to us in full conversation so we get babble stories often :) He loves to laugh, scream and chase the dog and he is constantly on the move. I have a feeling once its nice out again I will have a hard time getting him to come inside!! He loves to color and play with his cars and he loves to tote that blankey around! He is such a happy boy and he loves everyone, hes so friendly and is always trying to make friends wherever we go! He is growing quickly into a young boy and each day I am so thankful that he is such a great kid!

Cooper and Momma Superheros!!

Super Speed!

Coop and Kiki!

Coop and Nina!


YAY for visitors!

The rash spread to his bottom, poor kid couldn't stop itching!

Nana found Gabba Beanie Babies, Mama built them a house!


Cooper's 4th haircut, sitting in the chair on his own! :)