Don't forget to check out my photo album with TONS more photos of ME!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

One Week!

My first photoshoot with Grandma!
My favorite spot, cuddlin with Mama!

Cuddlin some more!

In my swing from the Chickas! I love it!

Hello everyone, Cooper here! I thought I would update you on all the fun stuff I've done in my first week of life! I of course get to sleep, eat, and get changed with Mommy...but we also like to cuddle, read and practice our running legs! I get to play and take baths with Grammy Josie and shes loved on me allll week! I've even already posed for my first photoshoot! When Pepa Jeff gets home we get to play and I love to kick and smile with him! :) I have also had lots of fun visitors this week! Grandma Auntie Salina and Tia Sasha have come to say hi and "squish me" and neighbor Rileigh and Christy have come to say hi too! Just one week old and I've got it pretty good! I sure am one loved little man!!
Life is GOOD!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


A new little man has entered the world! And I may be a bit bias but hes perfect! he entered this world on August 19th, 2010 at 12:23pm...he weighted a whopping 8lbs and was 20 inches long with a 13 inch round head!

That night I never really fell asleep, around 2:00AM I started feeling contractions but they were light, long and not very frequent. My mom woke up and checked on me and told me if I was it was ok, it would be a while and I should try and fall back asleep...and so I did...around 5:45 I woke up mom and dad and told them "they are getting really strong" so mom got in the shower and dad sat with me while we timed my contractions...when mom got out of the shower dad said "umm they are like a minute apart" and so mom rushed to get ready and we headed to Littleton Hospital! we arrived at 6:30. When we got to the room the nurse hooked me up to the monitors and said we are gonna monitor you and maybe have you walk around a little...when she left mom and dad watched my contractions on the monitor and said wow they are strong and close!? another nurse came in and asked if I had been checked, she checked me and said "wow your dialated to 7 cm, we need to get you that epidural!" we got the epidural and then I stayed dialated at 8cm for a while so they added petosin to my iv to push me over! I pushed for about 30 mins and Dr. Abman came in and delivered Cooper!

The past few days have been fun and amazing! We have had many visitors and we are getting use to this new and exciting world! We are now working on getting on a schedule (we might have day and night a little backwords because we are eating every 2 hours at night and sleeping for 3 or more hour stretches during the day!)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Guessing Game

Alright everyone has a guess in mind when Cooper will arrive...I think it will be fun to see who gets the a comment on this blog post with your name, date and time guess and we will see who gets the closest! remember my due date is this friday, August 20th!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Waiting is hard to do!

Anxious is an understatement when it comes to this little guy! Its only 8 days away and I (and I think everyone else) am so ready to meet Cooper! Last time I asked the doctor she said he probably weighed 6 1/2 lbs! *hopefully he doesn't get much bigger! yikes! Mondays doctors appointment went well, she said that I could go into labor anytime crazy! I am getting less nervous and more excited, which is probably a good thing...the only thing I keep worrying about is not know what contractions feel like, but mom has assured me that I will know when its happening!

We cant wait to hold, squeeze and shower this little bundle of joy with love! All of the bags are packed and everything is ready to go, hopefully when it happens I will be able to blog about it soon after...and get some pictures up asap! I know everyone will be so excited to see him! (but not as excited as me :)

Anyday now!
I'll keep you updated!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Cooper says thanks everyone!

Thank you Grandma and Peepa for the awesome running stroller!!
Thank you everyone for the crib gear, sheets, toys and blankets!
Thank you everyone for the lotions, diapers, wipes, and other toiletries!!
And lastly thank you for all of the wonderful clothes, I will be clothed until I'm wearing 6-9 months! I also will have diapers for quite sometime as well!!!

THANK YOU my room is full and ready, now all we need is ME!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

King of the Jungle Baby Shower!

I think Cooper and I got everything we needed so far! Here are some of the great pictures we got at the shower!

I want to thank everyone who came to the shower! It was really great and we got everything we needed and more! We had so much fun and i'm glad my whole family could be here! We played alot of fun games including draw the baby on your head, whos water breaks first, measure the belly and had a great diaper raffle! (Thank you everyone for all of the diapers, we should be set for a while now!!)
I would definitely like the thank my mom, Salina, Sasha, and Mary! They put together a great party and were awesome hostesses! All in all it was a successful baby shower!
We cant wait to meet the little monkey! Its coming so soon! I'll keep you all posted! :)