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Sunday, August 1, 2010

King of the Jungle Baby Shower!

I think Cooper and I got everything we needed so far! Here are some of the great pictures we got at the shower!

I want to thank everyone who came to the shower! It was really great and we got everything we needed and more! We had so much fun and i'm glad my whole family could be here! We played alot of fun games including draw the baby on your head, whos water breaks first, measure the belly and had a great diaper raffle! (Thank you everyone for all of the diapers, we should be set for a while now!!)
I would definitely like the thank my mom, Salina, Sasha, and Mary! They put together a great party and were awesome hostesses! All in all it was a successful baby shower!
We cant wait to meet the little monkey! Its coming so soon! I'll keep you all posted! :)

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