Don't forget to check out my photo album with TONS more photos of ME!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gaining my Personality!

Cooper is changing more and more each day...he has started to smile while hes awake and he is gaining his own little personality! Here are a few pictures of him being adorable and goofy!

He has also graduated from his cradle in Mommy's room to the crib in his own room!
Its amazing how fast hes changed, he goes to the doctor in another couple weeks and I am so excited to see how much he weights and how long he is! Also, Daddy will be here for his doctors visit so that will be exciting!!

On a Mommy note, I have officially started running again! I am on an every other day jogging routine and it feel amazing to be running again, cant wait to get that pre-pregnancy body back!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happy One Month Birthday!!!

Cooper is one month old today! My how time flies! Hes growing like a weed, hes even getting a bit heavy for mommy to carry! :) He has definitely grown out of newborn and even some of his 0-3 months we are moving to 3 month and 3-9 months! WOW!

He has become more and more active, but he still spends the majority of his time sleeping! When hes awake he is trying so hard to talk and make noises and he is so strong, he plays fly baby with Pepa Jeff and he holds his head so well! Mommy even thinks hes gonna skip crawling and go straight to walking! Hes still cuddly as ever and would rather sleep in arms than in a bed or swing! (or maybe we just have him that spoiled?!) oh well you cant spoil a little boy enough!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Labor Day Weekend!

Cooper's First Bath!
Kendall holding Cooper for the first time!
Grandma, Grandpa and Dad came to visit!
Daddy and I fell asleep together!

Cooper is so blessed to have an amazing family, no matter the circumstances! This labor day weekend Cooper's Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa came out to visit from St. Louis! It was his first time meeting Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Richard and he is so excited to meet his Aunt and Uncle too!! He had a great weekend where he got spoiled and held almost 24 7! :)

Cooper also got to take his first real bath this weekend! His umbilical cord finally fell off and we were able to put him in his tubby! I was worried he was not going to like it but he loved it, not a single cry! He did however pee twice when we put him in the water! I also was able to coax Uncle Kendall into finally holding the little guy! (he was sitting on the couch with his arms crossed so I just plopped him in his arms, he had no choice!)

All in all life is good for the Coop man! He is extremely blessed, loved and spoiled...what more could a baby ask for??

Friday, September 3, 2010

9lbs and GROWING!!!!

Cooper visited Dr. Mike yesterday! Hes doing great, hes sooo strong and very healthy, he already weighs 9lbs 2oz!!! He has been on a pretty good schedule eating every 3-4 hours! Today we went for a long walk and he really loves the stroller, he cooed the whole way and every time I checked on him he had a huge smile on his face!!!

I wish I could put more pictures on the blog but my mom and I have taken so many that there is not enough room! So instead I have another website for you all to visit where you can all see ALL the pictures of Cooper!

hopefully I will be able to fit all of his pictures on this website for you all to see!