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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Labor Day Weekend!

Cooper's First Bath!
Kendall holding Cooper for the first time!
Grandma, Grandpa and Dad came to visit!
Daddy and I fell asleep together!

Cooper is so blessed to have an amazing family, no matter the circumstances! This labor day weekend Cooper's Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa came out to visit from St. Louis! It was his first time meeting Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Richard and he is so excited to meet his Aunt and Uncle too!! He had a great weekend where he got spoiled and held almost 24 7! :)

Cooper also got to take his first real bath this weekend! His umbilical cord finally fell off and we were able to put him in his tubby! I was worried he was not going to like it but he loved it, not a single cry! He did however pee twice when we put him in the water! I also was able to coax Uncle Kendall into finally holding the little guy! (he was sitting on the couch with his arms crossed so I just plopped him in his arms, he had no choice!)

All in all life is good for the Coop man! He is extremely blessed, loved and spoiled...what more could a baby ask for??

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