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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Break

Cooper's 2 Month Stats

Weight: 13 lbs 5.5oz 84%
Height: 23 1/2 inches 69%
Head: 40.2 cm 53%

Cooper had a most wonderful weekend! His Daddy got to spend his fall break in Denver with Cooper! Andy was able to go with us to Cooper's 2 month check up where Doctor Mike said all was well and Cooper looked great! Cooper also got his first set of shots, the shots themselves we not that bad but later that evening Cooper was upset and fussy from a sore leg :( But he got a great Dads weekend in where his daddy got to feed him, talk to him, and even give him a bath! And he got spoiled once again because his daddy held him all weekend long! It was a great weekend and I know both Cooper and Andy enjoyed it! Next visit is after Thanksgiving and Coopers Grammy, Uncle, and Auntie will be here as well!

Cooper is becoming more and more vocal, finding his voice and realizing all the fun noises he can make! He is constantly making me smile and laugh with all of his expressions! He has also discovered his hands and has them constantly in his mouth, he hasn't quite gotten the fingers in but he likes to suck on his pointer knuckle!

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