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Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Holiday Season

Cooper in his adorable raccoon outfit and hat!

Tummy Time!
We are trying to get him use to a hat for the cold Colorado winter!
Cooper loves to hold, grab and play with toys
Especially his monkey!

Cooper has been battling with his poor little left eye. I have taken him to the doctor twice for it and they have given us two different eye drops that dont seem to be helping, his eye gets swollen, it fills up with green/yellow goop and I have to constantly clean it out! He has another appointment today with the doctors and hopefully they can figure out what it is and take care of it. (I will write an update after his appointment.)

Other than that Cooper is doing great, he is such a joy and so much fun to play with. Grandpa Jeff is home from knee replacement surgery and I am sure Cooper enjoys having someone other than Mom to play with during the day!

We are looking forward to the holiday season, although it will be very busy. For Thanksgiving Andy, Grammy, Auntie Diana, and Uncle Kevin are coming to visit and meet Cooper. Early December I am flying to Springfield, MO for a friends wedding and a friends Graduation for 4 days. I will be leaving Cooper with my parents and I am nervous to be away from him for so long, but I am looking forward to my trip. Andy will be here for Christmas to help us celebrate Cooper's first Christmas and then after that Cooper, Andy and I will be flying to St. Louis to visit Andy's family for the holidays! THEN...Cooper, Andy and I will be flying back to Denver for New Years which is a big holiday for my family! So it will be an exciting couple of weeks with Coop's first X-mas and first flight!

1 comment:

  1. we still arent sure whats wrong with Coops eye...Dr. Mike suspects a clogged tear duct and so he took an eye culture and gave us yet some more eye drops to try!
