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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Cooper really loved opening presents and playing with the wrapping paper!!!

This weekend Andy, Grammy, and Grandpa Richard came to visit Cooper for Andy's 23rd Birthday! They arrived late Friday night and came over Saturday morning. On Saturday we took the afternoon to get out to Golden, where Andy will be going to school next year, we walked around the campus, the town and drove around the neighborhoods. Then we drove down to Steuben's where we had a great dinner for Andy's birthday. Then we returned home where I had baked a chocolate cherry cake (Andy's...and everyone else's favorite cake!) 

Sunday morning Grandpa Richard and Grammy came over, we took an early afternoon walk and played a little at the park. When we got back it was time for Grammy and Andy to take Grandpa to the airport, he had to get back to  St. Louis for work the next day.

Monday morning we took a trip to Red Rocks, We walked to the amphitheater, climbed the stairs to the top, and checked out the museum. We then had some lunch and when we got back home it was time for Grammy and Andy to head back home. We had a great weekend with the family and are looking forward to graduation weekend in Springfield and the wedding in July in St. Louis.

Grandpa Jeff made him his very own mini pancake! (he loved it)

Happy Birthday Andy! 

Cooper liked opening presents

Cooper's Mines hat and Andy's Mines Shirt! 

Resting at Red Rocks wearing Dad's hat! 

Checking out Red Rocks

Cooper and Andy

Playing with Grammy

Chatting with Grammy!
Cooper and Daddy

Having a conversation

The walk to the top 

Hanging at the top

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