Cooper has his first road trip, and he was quite the superstar! He got a little fussy on the way out and had had enough of the car seat but he did really well. When we got into Springfield it was very late and Cooper wanted to play so Grandpa took him and played with him until he fell asleep. The next day we drove to Drury and met all the girls and the guys as well. Later that day there was a "meet Cooper party" at Andy's apartment and LOTS of people came to meet him, Cooper did so well and went to visit everyone!! He was quite the hit!
The next day was graduation, we ate with Andy and his family and then headed over to the new gym at Drury, it was a great ceremony and Cooper fell asleep at the very end. We took pictures and hung out and then all went out for dinner with all the friends and families. The next morning it was time to hit the road again, Cooper did really well on the way home, he slept a lot, and he played and ate. We got home and he went straight to sleep.
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