Daddy was in town this week and he took Cooper and I on some fun adventures!
First we visited the new house in Golden! Then Steven Busch joined us on our way up to Colorado Springs where we met the VanArkel's!!!! (they were in town for a coaches conference and to run the Garden of the Gods 10 mile!) When we arrived we took Matt VanArkel with us to Garden of the Gods where we walked around the park, watched the mountain climbers, did a little climbing ourselves and took some pictures! After that Steven had been dying to go to a place called "The Incline" which is an old train track that goes straight up the mountain for 1 mile, Matt and I only made it so far before turning around and heading back down...BUT Andy, and Steven carrying Cooper in the Baby Bijorn made it all the way to the top and back down the 2 mile trail!!! Crazy boys! (Cooper took a little nap on the way up!) After the hike we meet Coach and Jo for some dinner before heading back home!!
Other than that Cooper has been a mad man, he has been crawling now for about a week and I am already finding him all over the place, like the dog kennel, eating dirt, and sitting in the bathroom?! Crazy kid! He is also entertained by the most mundane of things such as paper, magazines, boxes, and spoons! He could play all day with silly things but his best friend is Winston who he follows around all day, and Cooper is so fascinated by all of Winston's toy of course!
Andy, Cooper and I at Garden of the Gods |
Gettin a little rock climbing in |
Best Smile! |
Cooper asleep at the top of "The Incline" |
Cooper and Mommy under the balancing rock! |
Cooper and Daddy! |
Cooper and Steven headed up "The Incline"! |
Matt, Steven, Andy, and Cooper |
Steven and Andy rock climbing! |
Cooper and Mommy |
Garden of the Gods |
Where's Cooper? In the kennel with Winston! |
Where's Cooper? In that box! |
Peek-A-Boo! |
Ridin his car! |
Vroom vroom! |
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