Height: 29 1/4 inches 32%
Weight: 20lbs 15 oz 21%
Head: 46.5 cm 54%
He got 5 shots that day and that evening was playing away at his Dad's house on the pool table. The next day and week to follow he was not so chipper, he developed a fever for about 3 days and then developed a rash, after a worrisome weekend he went back to the doctor where they told us he had Roseola. That was a rough week but after the rash went away he was back to normal.
He has been very busy playing with all of his new toys from his birthday! He plays with everything all of the time but especially loves the little mega blocks table, the big bear and his push truck! You can also find him playing, dancing and singing with his little musical pianos! He has managed to get into some trouble as well, one day I found him in his tubby with all of his clothes on! :)
He has been standing up a lot on his own which can only lead to some walking...he has started walking with his dump truck riding car and his walker, up and down the hall but it doesn't hold his attention for long because its not near as fast as his crawling?!
He went to another wedding this weekend, one that Mommy got to be in, he has been a pretty busy boy all summer and he will only get busier with his mobility!
Photobooth pictures from the Berg Wedding! |
Ready for some FOOTBALL! |
Standing all on his own! |
being naughty and playing in his tubby with his clothes on! |
playing in the "man cave" on the pool table |
Lots o Trucks! |
He LOVES big bear! |
Playin in the Jungle! |
Hanging out! |
Here is a video of Cooper walking up and down the hall with his truck!
Here is a video of Cooper eating and saying CUPCAKE! (Turn the volume up)
Here is a video of Cooper dancing to his little piano!
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