Cooper bracelet
Tomorrow will be the first time I leave Cooper for 4 days :( I've already cried about it once so I can only imagine what I will be like tomorrow! But he is in good hands, He has Grandma and Pepa to play with and I'm sure they will all have a blast! He is also getting babysat by the Hernandez family Saturday while my parents go to a Christmas party! I will be in Springfield, MO for a wedding and graduation!Next week is Christmas and we are all geared up! Cooper's Daddy will be here and we will have a pretty traditional day, morning present opening, and afternoon and dinner at my Grandparents. After Christmas we head out to St. Louis to visit Andy's family for the holidays. We are looking forward to the next couple weeks even tho they will be crazy busy!
We have been practicing rolling over and Cooper has rolled a couple times from his tummy to his back! He has also started YELLING! and instead of talking now he just yells (its pretty cute) even the girls at my dads physical therapy were missing him so we went and visited while Pepa exercised and at the office he greeted everyone who came in with a AHHHH!!!
Here are some videos of Cooper rolling and of him playing with his favorite monkey!